Warm welcome on a cold day
It never ceases to amaze me just how generous and supportive Copshaw folk continue to be. Coffee mornings are held quite regularly in our Village Hall for a variety of causes, and they always seem to draw a good crowd and raise astonishing amounts of money.

That held true when we held our annual Holm Show Coffee Morning. It was a really dreich day - with cold winds, grey skies and squally showers so the temptation to stay indoors must have been enormous. However, the hall filled up as soon as the doors opened and every table was taken.

Our doughty band of Holm Show volunteers did a terrific job of serving teas, coffees and home-made scones and cakes, and also did a roaring trade at the cake table, tombola stand and selling raffle tickets. In all we raised more than five hundred pounds. Well done Copshaw!

The Holm Show AGM is in the Village Hall on Tuesday February 20 at 7.30pm - and new members are always welcome, so don't be shy!

Our annual Quiz is on Saturday February 24 in the Village Hall. You can compete in teams of up to four people or just take part by yourself if you're feeling particularly brainy! The entry costs £5 and that includes supper, but please bring your own bottle(s). Lots of prizes to be won and fun to be had - so please do come along.